Raziskovalec MS&T (ž/m/d)/Scientist MS&T (f/m/d)

Aug 01, 2024


Kot Raziskovalec MS&T (m/ž/d) v laboratoriju Proizvodnih znanosti in tehnologije (MS&T) boste načrtovali, izvajali in interpretirali znanstvene poskuse za podporo proizvodnje bioloških učinkovin in virusnih vektorjev ter o njih poročali. Svoje delo, npr. nove pristope, nove tehnologije, ekspertizo in izsledke študij, boste neposredno prenašali v proizvodne obrate na lokaciji.

Laboratorij za Proizvodne znanosti in tehnologijo (MS&T) v Bioloških učinkovinah Mengeš optimizira proizvodne procese za izboljšanje učinkovitosti in produktivnosti pridobivanja naprednih bioloških zdravil. Za identifikacijo in odpravljanje izzivov med proizvodnjo ter izboljšanje kakovosti izdelka uporabljamo razvojne pristope in uvajamo nove tehnologije.


As Scientist MS&T (m/f/d) in Manufacturing Science and Technology Laboratory you will design, perform, interpret, report and implement scientific experiments to support production of biotherapeutics or viral vectors. With your work you will directly contribute to development and implementation of new approaches and technologies, expertise, and know-how into production facilities at the location.

Primary focus of Manufacturing Science and Technology (MS&T) Laboratory of BIO Mengeš is to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality of biotechnological manufacturing processes. We use research and development approaches to identify and eliminate bottlenecks, enhance product quality and implement new technologies.

About the Role

Vaše ključne odgovornosti:

• Načrtovanje znanstvenih poskusov za DSP procese. Vrednotenje in prispevanje k interpretaciji rezultatov. Sodelovanje pri izboru naslednjih poskusov.
• Načrtovanje, koordiniracija in izvedba študij, povezanih s predelavo bioloških učinkovin (proteini) ali virusnih vektorjev, kot je npr. kromatografsko čiščenje (afinitetna kromatografija, ionska izmenjevalna kroomatografija…), ultrafiltracija/diafiltracija, virusna filtracija…
• Upoštevanje načela dobre razvojne prakse (DQP) – integriteta dokumentacije, celovitosti podatkov, redna izobraževanja.
• Vrednotenje in uvajanje najsodobnejše tehnologije (laboratorijske metode, tehnike), reproduciranje in optimiziranje obstoječih metod ter prispevanje k razvoju novih metod.

Vaš doprinos k delovnem mestu:

• Magisterij s področja naravoslovnih ved z izkušnjami povezanimi s proizvodnjo ali razvojem procesov v biotehnološki industriji. Zaželen je doktorat iz bioloških znanosti s poudarkom na biokemiji in biotehnologiji.
• Najmanj 3 let delovnih izkušenj na področju proizvodnje / proizvodnih znanosti in tehnologije / tehničnega razvoja / akademije podobne stroke.
• Razumevanje osnov DSP procesov (masni prenosi, kinetika vezave na nosilec, pakiranje kolon…).
• Samoiniciativnost in dobro sodelovanje v timih.
• Odlično poznavanje računalniške programske opreme povezane z Microsoft Office in analizo podatkov.

Zaželene izkušnje:

• Izkušnje pridobljene v biofarmacevtskem podjetju.
• Razumevanje regulativnih zahtev in GMP standardov.
• Poznavanje analitskih metod za karakterizacijo bioloških molekul.
• Izkušnje z orodij za statistično analizo podatkov, DOE eksperimente ali orodij za CFD simulacije.


Z izbranim kandidatom bomo sklenili delovno razmerje za nedoločen čas s poskusno dobo 6 mesecev.


Zakaj Novartis?
Naš namen je soustvarjati medicino za izboljšanje in podaljševanje življenja ljudi, naša vizija pa je postati najbolj cenjeno in zaupanja vredno farmacevtsko podjetje na svetu. Kako lahko to dosežemo? S pomočjo naših ljudi. Prav naši sodelavci nas vsak dan spodbujajo, da dosežemo svoje ambicije. Postanite del te misije in se nam pridružite! Več na spodnji povezavi: https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture

Kaj nudimo:
Konkurenčen plačni paket, letni bonus, fleksibilen način dela, z možnostjo prilagajanja urnika in delom od doma, zaposlitev v podjetju s certifikatom TOP Employer, pokojninsko shemo, shemo nagrajevanja in priznanja dosežkov, razširjeni program promocije zdravja na področju telesnega, duševnega in družbenega počutja (Polni življenja) ter dogodke, neomejene priložnosti za učenje in razvoj.

Predani smo raznolikosti in vključenosti
Novartis si prizadeva ustvariti izjemno, vključujoče delovno okolje in oblikovanje raznolikih timov, saj ti predstavljajo naše bolnike in skupnosti, ki jih oskrbujemo.

Pridružite se naši mreži Novartis: V kolikor se ne prepoznate v zgornjem opisu delovnega mesta, vas vabimo, da se vpišete na spodnji povezavi v Novartisovo bazo talentov saj lahko tako vašo vlogo upoštevamo za podobne pozicije v prihodnosti: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network 

English version:

Your key responsibilities:

• Design of experiments for downstream (DSP) processes.
• Design, coordinate and execution of cross-functional studies related to processing of protein biotherapeutics and viral vectors as e.g. chromatographic purification (ion exchange, affinity chromatography etc.), ultrafiltration/diafiltration, viral retention filtration….
• Comply with required good laboratory practices in development environment (DQP) – documentation, data integrity and training standards.
• Evaluate and implement state-of- the-art technologies (laboratory methods, techniques), optimize existing methods, contribute to new method development and reproduce published methods.

Essential Requirements:
• MSc degree in Life Sciences field with a significant amount of experience related to manufacturing or process development experience in biotech industry. PhD in Life Sciences with focus on Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
• Minimum 3 years of experience in manufacturing/ manufacturing science and technology/technical development/academy.
• Understanding fundamentals of chromatography (mass transfer, binding kinetics, column packing quality…).
• Self-directed, self-motivated and good collaboration skills.
• Excellent computer software skills related to Microsoft office and data analysis.

Desirable Requirements:
• Significant experience gained in biopharma.
• Working understanding of regulatory requirements and GMP standards.
• Knowledge of analytical methods for characterization of biological molecules.
• Experience with the use of statistical data analysis, DOE design, and multivariate data analysis or CFD assessments.

We offer permanent employment with 6 months of probation period.

Why Novartis?
Our purpose is to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives and our vision is to become the most valued and trusted medicines company in the world. How can we achieve this? With our people. It is our associates that drive us each day to reach our ambitions. Be a part of this mission and join us! Learn morehere: https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture 

You’ll receive:
Competitive salary, Annual bonus, Flexible working schedule, tailored to your needs, possibility to work from home, Pension scheme, Employee Recognition Scheme, Expanded program for the promotion of health in the field of physical, mental and social well-being (Energized for Life), employment at Top SI Employer, Unlimited learning and development opportunities.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:
Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.

Join our Novartis Network:
If this role is not suitable to your experience or career goals but you wish to stay connected to hear more about Novartis and our career opportunities, join the Novartis Network here: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network 

Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together? https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture

Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network

Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.

Innovative Medicines
Technical Operations
Full time

Accessibility and accommodation

Novartis is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. If, because of a medical condition or disability, you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the recruitment process, or in order to perform the essential functions of a position, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know the nature of your request and your contact information. Please include the job requisition number in your message.

Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up: https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network

EEO Statement :

Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.

Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.

Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.Learn about our business, strategy and performance in 2023, and how we create sustainable value for stakeholders and society.


A female Novartis scientist wearing a white lab coat and glasses, smiles in front of laboratory equipment.

Raziskovalec MS&T (ž/m/d)/Scientist MS&T (f/m/d)

Apply to Job

Source URL: https://qa1.novartis.de/careers/career-search/job/details/req-10017677-raziskovalec-mst-zmdscientist-mst-fmd

List of links present in page
  1. http://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture
  2. https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network
  3. https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture
  4. https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network
  5. https://www.novartis.com/about/strategy/people-and-culture
  6. https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network
  7. https://novartis.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Novartis_Careers/job/Menge/Raziskovalec-MS-T---m-d--Scientist-MS-T--f-m-d-_REQ-10017677
  8. mailto:[email protected]
  9. https://talentnetwork.novartis.com/network
  10. https://novartis.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Novartis_Careers/job/Menge/Raziskovalec-MS-T---m-d--Scientist-MS-T--f-m-d-_REQ-10017677